CellCuRex (CiBots, Inc.)

Unlocking the Essence of Longevity with Small Molecule Partial Reprogramming Therapeutics (CiPSC®©™)

CellCure is leading regenerative medicine with next generation therapies that target the cellular microenvironment niche, partially reprogram organs, and enable rejuvenation

Our platform patented technology and related IP portfolio, collectively re-create the cellular microenvironment niche in-vitro (for disease modeling and drug screening) and in-vivo (for rejuvenation longevity therapy). We use small molecule drugs to target this “druggable” entity, modulating extrinsic and intrinsic factors that influence signal transduction pathways of cells. Using this approach, we are developing efficacious small molecule regenerative cures for rejuvenation and healthy aging.

Our developments are based on knowledge obtained from many years of intense investigation by us and others.

**CiPSC is a registered trademark of CiBots, Inc.

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